List of ideas for someone to implement in no particular order
- Open-data google translate
- Open-data vocabulary
- Shopping app that will track my purchase history in local shops and order products in batches again when necessary
- Learning app with morphological language analysis that will allow me to see if sentence contains word that I learned
some time ago and will be able to fetch all previously encountered examples from the articles I read
- Pocket for learning where I can throw links to books and pages I want to study at some point. App should structure
links accorging to topic and automatically suggest me what to read next accoring to my learning plan. App should be
able to extract all reference links from any item I saved and suggest top ones.
- Open-data service with allows to reliably print device parts
- Civilization timeline - historical timeline that allows to look on the history like we look on maps - starting from
birds-eye view and zooming into details of current day. Service should allow to spot beginning and the end of media
events comparing to real historical events
- Common lisp torrent client
- JS format and generics implementation
- Social network with privacy and non intrusion principles - no suggestions, no ads, fine-grained privacy controls, split between friends and people you read, simplified user interface and possible federation